Monday, November 9, 2009

3 Quilting Classes on Sale at the Same Time

This has never happened since we started the "Weekly Specials" !  Has Michelle lost her mind? I didn't even know she was doing this until I got my email today.  LOL

If you are a current member at Quilting Weekly you probably have seen this email like I did, but for those who are not, I wanted to be sure you didn't miss out on this deal!

Here is the message Michelle sent to me:

Hi Chris,
To celebrate the "new tutor" at Quilting Weekly we have decided to give you the opportunity to get 50% our other three fabulous guest tutor's classes :-)
That's right instead of only one special this week we have "THREE" - its a bit like an early Christmas :-)
For the next 7 days you can get 50% off :-
Take your pick or pick them all :-)
And don't forget to check out the new tutor, Pat's "paper piecing" class:-
Take care,
Happy quilting
Chris and Michelle  (Notice she signed with both our names, but I am telling you I had no idea on this one!)
Quilting Weekly:

Anyway, I would suggest taking a look at these classes and picking up your favorites before this deal goes away.  And it will go away, as this is a "Weekly Special" which means next week there will be something else on special.  

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