Thursday, December 31, 2009

Quilting Weekly has big news to share in 2010

If you are just a reader of this blog, and haven't taken the next step to registering for Quilting Weekly I suggest you think about joining now.  There will be big changes coming in the New Year, and you don't want to be left on the outside.

Members are the first to hear about new teachers, new classes and other announcements.  Be sure you are on the inside.  In addition to receiving all the latest news, you get access to our weekly specials and will be getting a very special bonus when we kick off our newest promotion.

I can not tell you just yet what is about to happen, or what that bonus will be, but I can assure that it will be worth your while.  You have nothing to loose and everything to gain.  And besides if you ever find this isn't what you expected or you find our information to be or no use to can always remove yourself from our list with one easy click of your mouse.

So go ahead take a chance and see why so many members are saying "I am so glad I found your site!"

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